Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I am officially a "groupie" again! Oh, how I have missed it....

Ok, I better explain, as I am sure you might be confused by now. Our church does "small groups". Some churches call them "bible studies" or "lifebuilders". It's just a group of people meeting once a week to discuss the week's message more in depth or how to apply biblical principles to our every day lives. Plus, when you attend a church as large as Metro, it is a great way to get to know other members on a more personal level. If you aren't a part of a small group or chuch ministry, it is easy to "fall through the cracks" and never meet other members.

I was attending another small group over a year ago. Things changed, the group changed, and I ended up leaving the group. I hadn't gone to another small group since. I didn't realize how much I missed it, or how much my spiritual growth was "stunted" because of it. Until now....
My dear friend, Annie, and her husband, Roger, became a host home for a new small group this year. I thought- here is my chance to join group again. There were a thousand reasons for me not to go- too long of a drive to IL, the group starts late meaning I will have a late night on Mondays, Keith can't go with me,...... But, I went in spite of the reasons. The reasons I should be going totally outweighed the reasons not to go. I am so glad that I did.

I missed the in depth discussions. I missed the way that the topics make you really look at how you are living your life. I missed the fact that I know I can count on this group of people to pray for me and that I can pray for them in return. I just missed it........
Plus, it gives me a chance to spend quality time with my friend Annie.

Mondays used to be my least favorite day of the week. Not anymore.......


Amy Stephen said...

Corie ~ First off...I'm so inspired by you! I love reading these! We are moving to Noblesville, IN (indy) at the end of March and our first order of business is joining a church...and I CAN'T WAIT! I, like you, miss my spiritual growth and eduacation like crazy and I'm so excited to be a groupie too! This will also be a super opp. to meet people in my new community. I'm hoping we will find one that will "fit" for both Tone and I and the kiddos. Eeek! Anyway....please pass along any new ideas, books, or websites that you might find useful for my new journey! Love ya, girl!

Amy Stephen said...

Corie ~ First off...I'm so inspired by you! I love reading these! We are moving to Noblesville, IN (indy) at the end of March and our first order of business is joining a church...and I CAN'T WAIT! I, like you, miss my spiritual growth and eduacation like crazy and I'm so excited to be a groupie too! This will also be a super opp. to meet people in my new community. I'm hoping we will find one that will "fit" for both Tone and I and the kiddos. Eeek! Anyway....please pass along any new ideas, books, or websites that you might find useful for my new journey! Love ya, girl!

Amy Stephen said...

Yuck! Sorry bout the double post!