Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's the small things.....

Ok, I'm embarrassed to even admit this.

Notice my new "picture" in the about me section. I just now figured out how to upload a picture to that spot.

I've been blogging for almost 2 years and I finally figured it out. I haven't been wasting hours a day on this task or anything, but still.....

Its just a picture of a sculpture from an exhibit at the Botanical Garden because all the pictures of me have been moved to our external hard drive and I don't want to hook it up right now....

So, for those of you who have never seen me in real life, I am not a yellow mosiac woman.


Louise said...

Oh you are too funny!!!
I was wondering what that thing!

Miss Notesy said...

LOL! What did you think of those "people" at the botanical gardens? My daughter was a bit freaked out by them.

Sarah said...

That's the best! Now you can change up the picture whenever it suits your fancy. :)