Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas to all......

I just wanted to take a moment this Christmas Eve to wish each of you who read this blog a very Merry Christmas.

My hope is that you have a safe, warm, love filled holiday.
I hope you all have your shopping done, so no one has to fight the crowds at the stores. And, if you do have to still fight the crowds, I hope you do so with patience and a cheerful mood.
I hope everyone is blessed with good family and friends to spend this time of year with. May you all have good food, great laughter and make wonderful memories to cherish in the years to come.
I hope everyone takes a moment to reflect on the true meaning of the holiday- the birth of Jesus Christ. I am striving to really reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ and just thanking God for giving us His Son.

There is just something about Christmas- I still get that "giving" feeling. I am a little less crabby at the checkout lane, I do a little more for others who can't do for themselves, I don't have quite as much road rage..... I hope I can take the feeling of "Christmas" and apply it to the rest of the year. I have been talking to people this month and the idea of cynicism keeps coming up. I am not a cynic and pray that I can hold onto whatever it is that keeps me from becoming one.

Ok, I think I am starting to get off on an entirely different subject. The main point of this entry is to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

Love you all!