Wednesday, May 9, 2007

She's a tease

My dear friend Nicole posted that she was going to get back in the game, the blogging game that is. She posted this in the beginning of March.
I have been checking her page almost daily in hopes that she has started blogging again. No luck.
But, I know for a fact that she is done with finals as of this week. This brings me new hope- she won't have to study, so she will have time to post!
C'mon Nicole, I have been impatiently waiting!


Unknown said...

It's not nice to tease bloggers! I have had teases, too, and so I just threaten them with, "if you don't start posting again, I will take you off my sidebar!" :)

Good luck with finals, Nicole, and then come back to us! :)

Corie said...

Val, your threat is funny!
I can't threaten Nicole with that thought, because as you can see, she is one of my two friends! I am hoping that list will grow, not shrivel up and die! :)
I am sure Nicole will post again, I just hope it is soon!

ray ray said...

:( i AM a slacker.... i'll get on it soon...... (no promises though) haha