Thursday, April 10, 2008

Needing a Breather

Overwhelming busy- that is how I describe my life right now. It is a HUGE change for me, since I have really been taking easy for most of my pregnancy.

On top of my full-time job, I am still trying to find time for the extra doctor appointments, cleaning, cooking, getting the apartment ready for Baby, laundry and other day to day activities. I know, I know, Einstein had the same 24 hours a day that I have.... I hope this doesn't come across as a "poor me" post, I just needed to vent a bit.

So, tonight I am meeting a friend to do some shopping for a women's event we have at church next weekend, then we have small group tonight. Tomorrow we are having a girl's night for the girls who come to our small group. Saturday we will be making the trip to my mom's for the weekend. Sunday are our maternity pictures with Val, along with spending time with my family while we are home, since this will be the last trip we make until after Baby arrives. Again, I know that most of these to-do's are not necessary and I could have not planned them, but I WANT to do them.

I have my appt. with the specialist at the hospital next Tuesday and next weekend is even busier than this one. I keep wondering when I am going to find time to clean the apartment like I want to and make room in closets and storage. I think we are going to have to lock ourselves in our apartment for the first weekend in May and just work our tails off. Plus, I want to get all of this done while I am still comfortable and able.

WHEW! I've just over-booked myself and feeling the stretch... that's all.
If you made it to the end of this complain-y post- I congratulate you.
** Oh geez, I am almost embarrassed to post this... I re-read what I had written and I am complaining about such trivial things. Shame on me. I am going to post anyway because after reading what I wrote, my outlook is already different (for the better). I will do what I can do and be joyful while doing it. After all, I won't have ANY time after Baby comes! :)


Anonymous said...

Just call out my name, and you know where ever I am, I'll come runnin' to see you again or to help you clean out your closets. Put a little music to that and I think I might have a hit!!!:):)ha,ha
Seriously don't be afraid to ask for help, I take orders pretty good and I promise not to say a word about any organization skills you may or may not have in your closets (have you ever looked in mine)

Three Girls and a Daddy said...

What you are feeling is completely normal!! You're nesting! :) It is over whelming, I know. When Caroline was born the furniture we ordered wasn't even here yet (since she was 4 weeks early). Just do what you can, as you can and remember that you will eventually get it all done...maybe just a little slower than usual...which is totally fine! Don't forget to take time for yourself. :) I am in the same boat as you right now execpt I only have 4 weeks and a toddler this time. :) I'm definitely nesting and feeling a little overwhelmed. But like I said, it will all turn out wonderfully in the end!

Unknown said...

Corie :) Okay to feel that way sometimes. Don't apologize OR feel guilty. It's OKAY! One day soon you will NEED days to just get it all out, so never ever hesitate to do just that. We're here for you no matter how trivial. Again, so good to see you today. I'm honored to have done your pictures -- you did SO GOOD :)


Alexis Jacobs said...

What you are feeling is very normal and is OKAY. Impending motherhood is very stressful and add on top everything else in life and you will feel this way.

Just think soon though, you will be craddling that wee one in your arms and life will all be okay. :)